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Upload a photo, choose a video template, and watch as our AI brings your photo to life with natural facial expressions and movements.
Choose a clear photo with a face looking directly at the camera for best results.
Upload your own video template or choose from our curated collection.
Our AI will create a seamless video with natural facial expressions.
Photos with clear, front-facing portraits and good lighting work best. Ensure the face is clearly visible and not obscured.
Most videos are generated within 1-2 minutes, depending on the length and complexity of the template.
Yes! You can upload your own video templates or choose from our library of pre-made templates.
Your photos are processed securely and automatically deleted after generation unless you choose to save them.
We provide a free trial. As long as you cancel within the trial period, you won't be charged.
For basic subscription we support up to 300 frames(about 10 seconds) video generation. For pro subscription, we support long video generation.
In this type of face swapping, you have a video and want to replace the face in it with a target photo. The result is a video where the original person's face is replaced with the face from your photo throughout the entire video.
This tool specializes in a different approach: you start with a photo and want to animate it using a target facial expression video. The tool generates a new video where your photo comes to life, mimicking the expressions and movements from the target video while maintaining the identity of the person in your photo.